Thursday, July 30, 2015

On the road....again???

Oh my.  
So, Elijah's counts have to be over 1,000 to have his exam and any further treatment.  I asked yesterday, if Elijah's counts weren't up, and he needed medication, would I need to take him to LA, or could we get the medicine in Ventura?
Then they told me....oh no, I would need to go back down to Ventura so that they could teach me how to give him INJECTIONS!!!!!
Well. Praise the Lord....Elijah's counts were up!!!! So I don't have to go down that road anyway. 
Last week his neutrophil count was at 580.  Yesterday it was 920!!!! Yay!!!!

In NY, however, they reminded me that Elijah is still borderline neutropenic. So the plan is for him to keep his Tuesday morning appointment, but they will retest counts before doing anything. 
So, with the possibility of delay still at hand, as well as possible delays with insurance....
Our family hopped in the van. Again. We have no plan. No reservations. But we have a baby boy who needs to get to New York, and a whole family of people with him and for him. 
Please pray for us.  The kids were up for this adventure....but Ben and I are a little more weary.  We had planned to be on the road by 2am (ish). And....we pulled out of the driveway at 7am.
We are worn and tired-not exactly how you want to start a trip like this.
Pray for peace, unity, and resilient spirits. Pray for endurance and perseverance.
Pray for provision and wisdom to know where to stop. Pray that we get to stop. Pray for no rodents. ;-p
Pray that somehow, we make it to NY in time.
And most of all, pray that we would love deeply, kindly, imaginatively, and well. Pray that the joy of Christ would make itself known in and through us. Pray for Hus name to be made much of.
Thank you all!!!

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