Saturday, September 05, 2015

Like a Bridge Over Troubled Water

We saw this beautiful bridge in Central Park on one of our many walking adventures. Poor Elijah, the travel is hard for him. When he ends up really fussy, the best course of action is to just start walking and to keep walking. This was from a good two hour walking session. 

Before cancer, and laser treatments, and had been more than a decade since I had been on a plane.  I am not an experienced traveler by any means.
I had met a few people, who, upon hearing that we were traveling to New York would say, "Oh! I just LOVE that city!!!"  It was curious to me, because at that point, all I could see was a place that didn't have room for my family and was so expensive I didn't know what to do.

Each trip, however, New York wins a piece of my heart. I see God's grace hiding behind corners and surprising me at just the right moments.

But the most interesting part about it is that it is not the city itself that has won me, so much as its people.  We have met so many amazing, kind, generous people in New York, and it just reminds us that we are all connected. There is still love and beauty and kindness in this world and it is worth noticing, and it is worth fighting for.  From California, through 18 states, all the way to New York, I have been in awe of the capacity the human heart has to love others, to give sacrificially, and to feel compassion for hardship.

So, to everyone who has loved, given, supported, prayed, and thought of us on this journey with Elijah-thank you. You have been like a bridge over troubled water. You have pointed us to Jesus and reminded us that we aren't alone.

And New York.  I love your doctors, your hospitals, your Ronald McDonald house full of hope and bright colors and big smiles.  I love your cafes and your bakeries full of colorful pastries. I love Central Park, and how I discover something new every time I'm there. I love your creative genius including hair stylists and floral arrangements and amazing food.
But most of all, I am forever grateful for the way you have loved and taken in my beautiful baby boy as he needs treatments for his cancer.
I would never have chosen this road, but imagine my surprise to find myself at a beautiful table in New York with stunning beauty, intelligence and love. 
We are so humbled to have been invited in to a group of friends and family so loving and welcoming.  It is part of the bridge...the one that God is building under our very feet to carry us across the waters that we never intended to travel.

It is a beautiful picture of how love multiplies and grows and expands our heart. We are very grateful to have returned home safely to California and all our munchkins. Our homeschool co-op has begun and the kids were anxious to attend and see their friends.  There are dishes and laundry and many things that need our attention here at home.

But as for New York, we will see you again in 4 weeks!  And whether in CA or NY, or somewhere in between, I pray that we will notice beauty and love and bring light wherever our bridge takes us.

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