Wednesday, May 08, 2013


"Mom, when you run with your arms out like this, it's like hugging God's creation!"

Innocence. Childlike faith.
For Emma's tenth birthday, we did a girl's trip to Pismo. It was a sweet time. At the last minute, grandma was able to join us, which was so great because both Emma and Evelyn needed their share of attention. 
We are really working on spending more one on one time with each of the kids, and it really is a blessing.  Emma has an amazing and tender heart.  She is so in love with Evelyn.  It was really neat to get away and celebrate the ten years of life God has given her.  I got to run with her on the beach, help her look for shells, and pray over her.  These moments were just that-moments.  Not even the bulk of the time we spent on the trip...but hopefully, these moments, along with others, will be what stays with her.  It is a good reminder for me.... It doesn't have to be huge, or expensive....sometimes it is just those moments, that all add up into a lifetime of memories.  I'm so thankful for every memory, these ten years of special is truly a blessing to be a mom to Miss Emma Faith.  

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