Thursday, January 13, 2011

George Muller

I don't know how to make those cute marks above the "u". Oh well. Anyhow, our family read-aloud is a biography on George Muller. Man, these authors did a great job... everyone is enjoying it. We can hardly wait to read a chapter or two each evening. Not to mention, it is such an amazing testimony of God's work in the life of an ordinary man.
Well, we have a couple of things coming up which we are not quite, *ahem* financially prepared for. So, it seemed only obvious that we would pray George Muller style. This guy is so cool. He is so certain and sure of God's provision, and as a result, God proves Himself faithful over and over again. His sweet wife certainly got used to using the phrase, "Do whatever you think is best, George."
Ben and I had a really sweet prayer time, and we are trusting God to meet our needs. And to show us when we have thought of some wants as needs, as we certainly have a way of doing. But I found it so *interesting* this morning, in a book I am reading called, "Violent Prayer" by Chris Tiegreen, that he references George Muller, and his prayers of faith, believing and trusting in God's absolute provision.
God's timing is perfect.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

George Muller is also referenced in RADICAL by David Platt, again for his trust in God's provision. I would love his to read his biography! Looks like the kid's are reading some mighty fine book! I love that they love to read at such a young age, I pray that desire will stay with them as they grown up. Loved the pictures especially of beautiful Emma, looks so regal standing there! Gma connie