Thursday, January 13, 2011

The World of Homeschooling...

We are really enjoying the use of Rod and Staff books for English. This is our first year using them. I had researched until my face turned blue, and purchased Shurley English. When I received the books, something just felt a little overwhelming about them. So, I waited. A couple of days later, a dear friend went through the FREE table at our homeschool co-op and picked up both the Teacher Book and the Student Book for Rod and Staff. One good look at it, and I knew it was a good fit. Very thorough, but super simple. No overkill. So, this year we are "Building with Diligence", and I thought I would share a sweet little poem from the book. These poems are sprinkled throughout.

"A Wise Old Owl"
A wise old owl
lived in an oak;
The more he saw,
the less he spoke;
The less he spoke,
the more he heard.
Why can't we all
be like that bird?
-Edward Hersey Richards

We are still using one of my favorites: The Greenleaf Guide to the Old Testament.
And we are loving Window on the World as we pray for other countries and people groups.

Still using Veritas Press history cards, although I found myself not enjoying Greek Myths as much as we had previously. Still using Saxon Math, and it is working out just great. Oh, yes, and we only do this on Mondays, but it is still a favorite for us all:
Last year we read through "Missionary Stories with the Millers" and loved it. So this has been a really sweet journey through Proverbs.
Other than that, we have a really sweet line-up of read alouds, some cool comprehension guides to go alongside some of the kids' reading, and some things that we just haven't even touched because I was advantageous in my planning.
What are some of your favorite things???

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