The Lord is my strong ocean,
Beautiful and blue,
The birds fly over it.
In the midst of Your presence, I am satisfied.
Your Spirit guides and directs and pushes me in the ways of righteousness,
For Your name's sake.
If You did not draw us, clothe us in the wetsuit of Christ's righteousness, and set us firmly upon Your truth,
Who, O Lord, could stand?
Yea, though I paddle, and paddle, and catch no waves,
I will fear no sharks!!
The waves and the creatures of the sea,
They bow to You, O Lord!
Your wetsuit, a garment of warm comfort and peace,
And your surfboard, which is Your truth,
They comfort me, they protect me, they prepare me to go out!!
You plant my feet firmly in Your truth,
So I am not tossed about by the wind.
You anoint me with Your Holy Spirit,
Which lovingly, and powerfully carries me upon Your truth.
The long, enduring ride,
And the totally awesome barrel,
They restore my soul.
My "stoke" runs over!
Surely, your waves of mercy and the power of Your might shall follow me all the days of my life,
And I will dwell in Your presence and declare Your splendid glory forever.
For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord,
As the waters cover the sea.
Awesome version of Psalm 23! :-)
That is totally wicked! LOL No really you should publish that.
That is totally awesome! LOL No really, you should publish that.
I love your cute little surfer family. :)
Yay! I found your blog! I like this!
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