Monday, October 26, 2009

3 Years

Noah, our family just wouldn't be the same without you. Today, you are three years old. You are so full of energy and life... we call you the "goofball" of our family. You have what we like to call the "million dollar smile." Tonight, after I was putting you in your bed for... the fourth time, I glanced at the clock and had a quick thought, that maybe I might be just a wee bit tired of getting up and down and up and down, and putting you back in your bed. Just as I got to the doorway, you said, "You are pretty, Mommy." You love trains, and you love when I read stories to you. You LOVE your brother Caleb, and you copy just about everything he does. You two play weapons together and have caught many a bad guy. It will be interesting when Ezra comes in on that scene. =) You LOVE your red blankie, and so far it seems to be the only way we can keep you in your class at church or group solutions.
We are praying that your smile and your "goofiness" will just add to the way that God will use you in the lives of many, to speak the truth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We love you Noah Benjamin.
P.S. Sorry, Noah, I only had the more recent pictures of you on this computer, but perhaps soon, I can post some of you when you were little, too.


One Adventurer said...

Happy Birthday NOAH! Grammie loves you.

sarahgrace said...

Awww! Happy Birthday Noah! Hope your third year is an amazing one! ;-)

Kelly said...

I can't believe how quick time is moving!! Happy Birthday Noah!!!

Tonya said...

how sweet! Happy Birthday little guy.