Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Just something interesting...

This is an article that was on the front page of MSN. I found it interesting; it is about how parents are now "tutoring" their children in order to prepare them for Kindergarten. I was a bit shocked, but at the same time, this is something we have seen over the last few years, as we now see Kindergarten age kids coming home with home work packets. It was also interesting, that a lady said she had worked hard with her son who was the best reader in his Kindergarten class, but the down side was that he was not challenged enough (AKA bored). So, she relaxed and didn't work on things quite as much with her next child. I am distanced from all this, since we home school, but I often have to remind even myself that I do not tailor what I am doing with the kids to grade level standards, state requirements, or what they "should" be doing. We work on what they can do. And that is different for each of them. But yeah, it was an interesting article.



Tonya said...

sounds interesting.

Courtney said...

I saw that same article. Made me grateful I homeschool and we can go at our own pace with no one judging us!

Anonymous said...

I totally totally totally agree with the article. There is entirely too much stress on academics in K and it backfires like crazy. Some kids are ready for it, and some are NOT! I have strong feelings about this! Having taught at a developmentally appropriate preschool and a highly "academic" K--the difference was astounding! Thank you for sharing.
Heather T