Monday, August 10, 2015

Sunrise in Texas

There's just something so beautiful and breathtaking about a sunrise.  I think it's because after the dark of night, it carries with it the hope of something new.  It's my favorite time of day.

We stayed last night in Amarillo, Texas. The hotel was so nice, I wanted to stay. But home is getting so close we can almost taste it.  Early this morning, while everyone slept, I snuck out to the Wal-Mart nearby which is open 24 hours.

I loaded up on snacks for the day.  As I got everything loaded in the car to head back to the hotel, I got to see the beauty of the sunrise.

As I took the first driving shift this morning, Ben read aloud from my book, A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23.  We read the well-known words:
"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me..."
This part of the Psalm is a bold declaration of the trust the Psalmist has in his Good Shepherd: no matter what happens in this life....His goodness and His mercy shall follow me.

It's so much easier to believe, to trust, to remember this when things are going well. When things are hard...well, that's when it is tempting to forget that His goodness and mercy WILL follow after me all the days of my life.

Maybe that's why I love the sunrise so much. It is His goodness and mercy to remind me that even in the darkness of night, His is there. And at just the right time, He will show Himself in His brilliance, and darkness will be swallowed up by the light.

And just because I know everyone loves seeing the little man....
I didn't mean to cut him off like that...I was just taking the picture from an awkward turning around and guessing type of angle. :-)

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